The Role of Hepatic Denervation in the Dysregulation of Glucose Metabolism in Liver Transplant Recipients
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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It is believed that important brain centers send signals through the vagus nerve to the liver to suppress the amount of glucose (sugar) that gets produced. People who have received liver transplants have had their vagus nerve cut during transplantation, and many of these individuals have diabetes at one year post-transplant. The goals of this study are: to see whether metabolic control centers in the brain can still be activated normally with the medication diazoxide in patients who have had a liver transplant, and to understand whether disrupting the vagus nerve would result in excess glucose being produced by the liver (ie. a potential mechanism for why these patients develop diabetes).Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Albert Einstein College of MedicineAlbert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc.
Nicotinic Acids
Inclusion Criteria:- Liver Transplant at least one year ago
- Age: 21-70
Exclusion Criteria:
- BP > 150/90 or <90/60 on more than one occasion, unless there is a documented history
of white coat hypertension by treating physician.
- Triglycerides > 400 mg/dl and/or Total Cholesterol >300 mg/dl
- Clinically significant liver dysfunction
- Clinically significant kidney dysfunction, GFR: <60 mg/dL
- Anemia: HgB <12.5 for men and <11.0 for women
- Positive urine drug test. Occasional use of cannabis (once or twice per week) will not
be a basis for exclusion.
- Urinalysis: Clinically significant abnormalities
- Clinically significant electrolyte abnormalities
- Smoking >10 cig/day
- Alcohol: Men >14 drinks/wk or >4 drinks/day, Women >7 drinks/wk or >3 drinks/day
- History of active hepatitis infection, HIV/AIDS, chronic kidney disease (stage 3 or
greater), active cancer, cardiovascular disease or other heart disease, systemic
rheumatologic conditions, seizures, bleeding disorders, muscle disease
- Surgeries that involve removal of endocrine glands except for thyroidectomy (if
euthyroid on thyroid hormone replacement - if such history T4 and TSH will be checked)
- Pregnant women
- Subject enrolled in another study less than one month prior to the anticipated start
date in the proposed study, besides those done by our group
- Family history: family history of premature cardiac death
- Allergies to medication administered during study
- Uncontrolled psychiatric disorders
- Any condition which in the opinion of the PI makes the subject ill-suited for
participation in the study