
The Use of Aromatherapy for Symptom Management

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this pilot study is to introduce the use of aromatherapy/essential oils to medical oncology patients at Central DuPage Hospital to assess their perceived effectiveness to relieve symptoms of nausea or vomiting and/or anxiety. Peppermint oil will be used for nausea/vomiting and lavender oil will be used for anxiety. This study will involve administration of aromatherapy to a convenience sample of patients, who will then be asked to complete a brief questionnaire. The questionnaire will involve a simple likert scale to measure efficacy (in the opinion of the patient) and simple multiple-choice questions to determine patients' likeliness to use aromatherapy again.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Central DuPage Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult hospitalized medical oncology patients admitted to Central DuPage Hospital.

- Age 18 years or greater.

- Able to understand and speak English.

- Women of non-childbearing potential or with childbearing potential with a negative
pregnancy test documented during the hospital stay.

- Able to understand concept of aromatherapy for treatment of distressing symptoms.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Prisoners.

- Non-English speaking patients.

- Under the age of 18.

- Unable to comprehend the concept of aromatherapy.

- Severe cognitive impairment.

- Not experiencing the symptoms of nausea, vomiting or anxiety.

- Women with child-bearing potential who have not had a negative pregnancy test during
the hospital stay.

- Patients with known allergy to lavender or peppermint.