
The Use of CT Perfusion to Determine the Normalization Window Period in the Treatment of Advanced Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma With Endostar

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To evaluate the change of blood perfusion before/after the use of Endostar, discuss the time sequence of Endostar TM in treating advanced lung adenocarcinoma in normalization window period.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Endostar protein
Inclusion Criteria:

- Histologically or cytologically newly diagnosed as unresectable and metastasis
advanced lung adenocarcinoma(Stage IV, Seventh Edition of the UICC/AJCC Classification
for Lung Cancer).

- At least one measurable objective tumor lesion, spiral CT or PET-CT examination: the
shortest diameter ≥2cm,and no obvious necrosis

- Life expectancy ≥12weeks

- Patients receive palliative radiotherapy for bone's pain relief; patients receive
radiotherapy for brain metastasis、patients after brain transfer operation or radiation
therapy are allowed to enter the research.

- 18≤Patients'age <70 years.

- Electrocolonogram (ECOG) Score:0-1.

- Granulocyte count ≥ 2.0×109/L, platelet count ≥ 100×109/L.

- Serum bilirubin within the normal range.

- Aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ), Alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) within the normal
range(if the patients is diagonosed as liver metastasis,his/her AST/ALT should not
surpass 1.5 times of the normal range ).

- Serum creatinine within the normal range and creatinine clearance rate ≥60ml/min

- Compliance with research requirements and be able to follow up.

- Within 72 hours before the treatment, all women pregnant with pregnant possibility
should undergo pregnancy test and get negative results.

- Patients with fertility ability should take effective contraceptive techniques.

- Sign informed consent of this clinic trial.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Lung adenocarcinoma patients who received systemic chemotherapy/thoracic
radiotherapy/targeted therapy

- Received resection, cutting or aspiration within seven days

- Any unstable systemic diseases (including peptic ulcer、active infection、grade4
hypertension、unstable angina、congestive heart failure、liver, metabolic disorders or
fracture、unhealing wound )

- Chronic kidney disease history(including chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome,
Obstruction of urinary tract etc. caused by Urinary calculus)

- have to use anticoagulant drugs at the same time

- patients with obvious coagulation disorders、active bleeding and bleeding tendency

- Any other malignancies (complete cure of cervical carcinoma in situ/basal cell
carcinoma/squamous cell carcinoma are excluded )happened within 5 years.

- Signifinant weight loss, weight lost during the 6 weeks more than or equal to 10%

- Patients who take bone metastasis as the only observing index

- Allergic to escherichia coli preparation

- Used Endostar before

- Lactating women

- Contraindications written on Pemetrexed、Carboplatin、Dexamethasone instructions

- Allergic to radiographic contrast agents

- In the middle or planning to attend other clinic trails