To Study the Effects of Addition of Mebendazole to Lenvatinib in Cirrhotics With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Trial end date:
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Currently the available first line palliative therapy for advanced HCC is Sorafenib and Lenvatinib of which Lenvatinib is tolerated better. Unfortunately, patients tend to progress after few months of therapy. Therefore it is imperative, to do trials by combinative therapy to the available therapy for added survival benefits and quality of life with advanced HCC. In this regard, Mebendazole appears to be a good choice for drug repurposing as it has shown very promising results either alone or in combination with other therapies in tumors of GI origin and CNS tumors. With regard to HCC Mebendazole has been found to be effective in vitro system of HCC and preclinical models. However no clinical trials have been initiated till now. The key hallmark features of HCC include activation of MAPK and angiogenesis which in turn are targeted by RTK inhibitors such as Sorafenib and Lenvatinib. In this regard Mebendazole has broad range of action by not only inhibiting angiogenesis and pro-survival pathways of MAPK, but by also inhibiting the secretion of MMPs and Tubulin polymerization which can all be beneficial in tumor regression and prevention of chemo-resistance in HCC. Mounting of a strong immune response plays an important role in identification of tumor antigen and thereby clearing of tumors. While Mebendazole can modulate the tumor, the data is scant with respect to the role of the drug. Hence repurposing Mebendazole as a combinatorial therapy appears a promising approach and forms the basis of the present work. We hypothesize that combinatorial therapy of addition of mebendazole to lenvatinib will prove more beneficial than lenvatinib alone in increasing the overall survival of patients with advanced HCC. To prove the mechanistic effects of mebendazole on HCC, we will also conduct a animal study in preclinical mice model of HCC with the help of our animal house facility. The animal study will help us to understand the additional benefits from mebendazole and lenvatinib with objective evidence of liver biopsy which is not feasible in humans.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, IndiaTreatments:
DMP 777Lenvatinib
Piperazine citrate
Inclusion Criteria:- Cirrhosis of Liver with HCC on imaging and/or biopsy or cytology
- Child Pugh A, Child Pugh B < 8
- Advanced HCC - as defined by BCLC - C
- ECOG Performance Status 1-2
- Adequately controlled blood pressure (BP) with up to 3 antihypertensive agents,
defined as BP ≤150/90 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) at screening and no change in
antihypertensive therapy within 1 week prior to commencement of intervention.
- Valid Consent
- Age 18-70 years
Exclusion Criteria:
- Decompensated Cirrhosis
- Child Pugh C, Child Pugh B > 7
- HCC patients with a curative therapy (RFA/MWA or LT)
- Prior systemic therapies (or) immunotherapy for HCC
- ECOG Performance Status 3-4
- Post Liver transplant HCC recurrence
- Pregnancy