Toripalimab Plus FLOT in Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer
Not yet recruiting
Not yet recruiting
Trial end date:
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Neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced gastric cancer is still in the exploratory stage. With the emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors, neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy is also in the exploratory stage in locally advanced gastric cancer. At present, chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy is usually a simple combination of chemotherapeutic drugs and immune drugs, without taking into account of the influenece of applied sequence. The purpose of this study is to explore whether the sequence of chemotherapy and immunotherapy influence the complete pathological response rate in locally advanced gastric cancer.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Henan Cancer Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:- 70 ≥ Age ≥ 18 years regardless of gender
- Gastric adenocarcinoma confirmed by pathology
- no distant metastasis and resectable or potentially resectable evaluated by general
surgery experts
- ECOG PS 0-1
- clinical stage III by AJCC 8.0
- expected lifespan over 3 months
- Adequate organ function: 1) without growth factor and blood component support in the
first 2 weeks of enrollment; 2) Cardiac function: no heart disease or coronary heart
disease, grade 1-2; 3) liver function: TBIL ≤ 2ULN, AST ≤ 2.5 ULN, alt ≤ 2.5 ULNX 4
Renal function: cr ≤ 1.25ULN, liver function: TBIL ≤ 2ULN, TBIL ≤ 2.5ULN, alt ≤
2.5ULN, 4)renal function: cr ≤ 1.25ULN.
- blood pressure normal or controlled within the normal range by antihypertensive drugs
- Diabetic patients were treated with hypoglycemic drugs to control fasting blood
glucose ≤ 8mmol/L
- Patients with positive hepatitis B surface antigen need to be tested for quantitative
detection of hepatitis B DNA virus. HBV DNA should be less than the upper limit of the
normal test value for patients with HBV infection.
- no other serious diseases conflicting with this study
- No history of other malignant tumors
- Women of childbearing age must be tested negative for blood pregnancy test within 7
days before enrollment, and subjects of childbearing age must use appropriate
contraceptive measures during the trial and within 6 months after the trial
- agreement to participate in this study and signed the informed consent form
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pregnant or lactating women
- Suffered from severe infectious diseases within 4 weeks before entering the group
- Bronchial asthma requires intermittent use of bronchodilators or medical intervention
- Due to the use of immunosuppressants before coexisting diseases and the dosage of
immunosuppressants ≥ 10mg/, the oral dose of prednisone lasted for more than 2 weeks
- Clinically obvious cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, including, but not limited to,
severe acute myocardial infarction, instability or severe angina pectoris, coronary
artery bypass surgery, congestive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias requiring
medical intervention, left ventricular ejection fraction < 50%, stroke within 6 months
- Allergic to any experimental drug and its excipients, or have a history of severe
allergy, or are contraindications to experimental drugs
- Severe mental disorders
- Abnormal coagulation function (PT > 16s, APTT > 53s, TT > 21s Fib < 1.5g/L), bleeding
tendency or undergoing thrombolysis or anticoagulation therapy
- Past or present pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, radiation
pneumonia, severe impairment of lung function, etc.
- Unable to swallow research drugs, chronic diarrhea (including but not limited to
irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) and intestinal
obstruction affect drug use and absorption
- Have a history of immunodeficiency, including positive for HIV, or suffer from other
acquired, congenital immunodeficiency diseases, or have a history of organ transplant
- Other researchers evaluate those who do not meet the criteria for admission