Treg Immunotherapy in Crohn's Disease
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Crohn's Disease (CD) is a condition that causes inflammation of the digestive system or gut. Crohn's can affect any part of the gut, though the most common area affected is the end of the ileum (the last part of the small intestine), or the colon. Crohn's is a chronic condition. This means that it is ongoing and life-long, although patients may have periods of good health (remission), as well as times when symptoms are more active (relapses or flare-ups). Current available therapies frequently fail to maintain long-term remission and may be complicated by significant side effects. There is an unmet medical need for novel therapies. Cellular therapies are emerging as potentially attractive therapeutic strategies. The TRIBUTE trial will use autologous regulatory T cells (Tregs) expanded in vitro. It is hoped that the administration of this treatment to patients with active CD will change the immune responses in the gut and reduce bowel wall inflammation.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
King's College LondonCollaborators:
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Imperial College London
Medical Research Council
Miltenyi biotech
St. George's Hospital, London
Inclusion Criteria:1. Able and willing to provide written informed consent and able to comply with the
protocol requirements
2. Male or female aged between 18 and 80 (inclusive) years of age
3. A diagnosis of Crohn's disease (CD) established ≥3 months prior to consent by standard
clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological criteria
4. Documented moderate-to-severe CD with a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) >= 220
within 3 months of screening
5. Active CD (mucosal inflammation) including ulceration, as assessed by colonoscopy at
6. Failure to tolerate or to respond to at least 2 prior lines of standard CD medication
intended to induce or maintain remission, as determined by the referring
gastroenterologist. Examples of such medications include, but are not limited to,
azathioprine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate or anti-tumour necrosis factor antibody
therapy. This does not include steroids and 5-ASA medications
7. Stable doses of concomitant medications
8. Normal or non-clinically significant electrocardiogram (ECG), as assessed by the
Investigator at screening
9. Negative stool test for Clostridium difficile and faecal culture for standard
pathogens at screening. For non-pathogenic organism, inclusion will be at the
discretion of the Principal Investigator (PI)
10. Negative serology for HIV, Hepatitis B (cAb and sAg), Hepatitis C, HTLV and Syphilis
at screening
11. Subject is judged by the principal investigator to be in otherwise good health based
upon the results of all screening investigations in combination with medical history
and physical examination
12. Clinical Blood Tests prior to dosing, assessed on Day-1 at Week 0 and Week 8:
1. Hb > 100g/L and WBC > 3.5 x 109/L and Plt > 100 x 109/L
2. Creatinine < 1.5x ULN
3. Total bilirubin ≤ 34 µmol/L and ALT ≤ 2x ULN and GGT ≤ 2xULN. Elevated
unconjugated bilirubin related to Gilbert's syndrome is allowed
13. Negative urine pregnancy test for female of childbearing potential prior to dosing,
assessed on Day-1 at Week 0 and Week 8
Exclusion Criteria:
1. A diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or IBD-unclassified
2. CD treatment-naïve patients, defined as patients who have never received or have
refused standard CD treatment
3. History of clinically significant drug or alcohol abuse in the last 12 months
4. Any history of major immune deficiency disorder, except Crohn's disease
5. Patients with a history of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis. Current or
recent history (within 1 year prior to screening) of major organ or system failure or
condition, acute or chronic that in the opinion of the investigator should preclude
enrollment, except Crohn's disease
6. History of intestinal resection or intra-abdominal surgery within 6 months prior to
visit 1 (screening)
7. Requirement for immediate or imminent surgical, endoscopic or radiological
intervention for indications including (but not limited to) toxic megacolon,
obstruction, massive haemorrhage, perforation, sepsis, or intra-abdominal or perianal
8. Patients with ileostomy or colostomy
9. Patients with short bowel syndrome (less than 1.5m of small bowel)
10. Complication of Crohn's disease such as strictures/stenosis, penetrating disease, or
any other manifestation that might require surgery. Subject has received therapeutic
enema or suppository, other than required for endoscopy, within 14 days prior to
screening and/or during the screening period
11. Patients who are currently using anticoagulants including but not limited to warfarin,
heparin, enoxaparin, dabigatran, apixaban, rivaroxaban (note that anti-platelet agents
such as aspirin up to 325mg daily or clopidogrel are permitted)
12. Current medically significant infection i.e. infection(s) requiring treatment with
intravenous (IV) anti-infectives within 30 days prior to screening or oral
anti-infectives for non-Crohn's disease related infections within 14 days prior to
screening visit
13. Subject with an active systemic viral infection or any active viral infection that
based on the investigator's clinical assessment makes the subject unsuitable for the
14. History of tuberculosis (TB), unless there is documented evidence of completion of a
full course of anti-TB treatment prior to screening. For patients with latent TB, as
defined by a physician specialised in TB, they must have received prophylactic
treatment for 4 weeks minimum prior to dosing
15. History of moderate to severe congestive heart failure (NYHA class III or IV), recent
cerebrovascular accident (within 6 months of screening) and any other condition which,
in the opinion of the investigator, would put the subject at risk by participation in
the study
16. Subject with a previous history of dysplasia of the gastrointestinal tract, or found
to have dysplasia in any biopsy performed during the screening endoscopy or endoscopy
performed within 45 days of baseline unless this is deemed to be a sporadic adenoma
and has been completely removed
17. Significant laboratory abnormalities:
Hb < 100g/L or WBC < 3.5 x 109/L or Plt < 100 x 109/L Creatinine > 1.5x ULN Total
bilirubin ≥ 34 µmol/L or ALT ≥ 2x ULN or GGT ≥ 2xULN. Elevated unconjugated bilirubin
related to Gilbert's syndrome is allowed
18. Anti-TNF,vedolizumab or ustekinumab therapy within 8 weeks of study treatment
initiation. Exposure to cyclosporine or tacrolimus within 2 weeks of anticipated study
date of consent
19. Subject currently receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or plan to receive TPN at
any time during the course of the study
20. Received another investigational drug within 60 days of anticipated study date of
consent or 5 half lives whichever is greater
21. Subject who previously received stem cell transplantation
22. Current evidence of dysplasia or history of malignancy within the last 5 years (except
successfully treated squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma, without metastases or
localised carcinoma in situ of the cervix)
23. Pregnant and lactating patients (females of childbearing potential must have a
negative dipstick pregnancy test at study entry)
24. Female patients of childbearing potential (i.e. not post-menopausal or surgically
sterilised) who are not willing to use effective methods of contraception (included
but not limited to hormonal contraception, Intrauterine devices, sexual abstinence,
vasectomised partner) to prevent pregnancy or abstain from heterosexual activity for
the duration of the trial up to W21 visit
25. Male patients who are not willing to use an effective method of contraception
(included but not limited to use of condom, vasectomy, sexual abstinence) for the
duration of the study up to W21 visit, when engaging in sexual activity with a female
of childbearing potential
26. Allergy to any component / excipients used for the manufacture of TR004
27. Subject is considered by the investigator, for any reason, to be an unsuitable
candidate for the study
28. Inability to comply with the study protocol