XELOX Plus Apatinib vs XELOX as Post-operative Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Gastric Signet Ring Carcinoma
Not yet recruiting
Not yet recruiting
Trial end date:
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This is a randomized, multicenter, controlled study to compared the Efficacy and Safety of XELOX combined with Apatinib versus XELOX as post-operative chemotherapy in locally advanced gastric signet ring carcinoma with D2 dissection.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and HospitalTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- 1. ≥ 18 and ≤ 70 years of age;
- 2. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status: 0-1;
- 3. Had been treated with Radical resection (D2, R0) of gastric cancer (Lymph node≥16);
- 4. Postoperative histological proven gastric signet-ring cell carcinoma(or contains
signet-ring cell carcinoma);
- 5. Pathological stage:IIIA-IIIC(8th AJCC TNM);
- 6. Patients have adequate baseline organ and marrow function :hemoglobin≥9g/dL;
absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥1,500/mm3; PLT(platelets)≥1000,000/mm3; total
bilirubin ≤1.5×upper normal limit(ULN); AST ≤2.5 ×ULN, ALT ≤2.5 ×ULN; prothrombin
time-international normalized ratio≤1.5, and APTT(activated partial thromboplastin
time) was within normal range; creatine ≤ 1.5 x ULN;
- 7. The ECG(electrocardiography) was basically normal in the 4 weeks before the study,
and there was no obvious clinical symptoms of heart disease;
- 8. sign informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
- 1. Patients with hypertension and uncontrolled hypertension with hypotensive drugs
therapy ;
- 2. Patients with dysphagia, complete or incomplete digestive tract obstruction,
gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation, etc;
- 3. Patients had bradycardia or a QT extension;
- 4. Patients had gastrointestinal fistula and lacerations after surgery;
- 5. Allergic to capecitabine or oxaliplatin, or metabolic disorders;
- 6. Patients accepted Preoperative chemotherapy, radiotherapy or targeted therapy;
- 7. Attending other drug clinical trials;
- 8. Patients with Serious liver disease (such as cirrhosis, etc.), kidney disease,
respiratory disease or uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension and other chronic systemic
diseases, heart disease with Clinical symptoms(such as congestive heart failure,
coronary heart disease symptoms, drug is difficult to control arrhythmia,
hypertension, or six months had a myocardial infarction attack, or cardiac
- 9. Patients with peripheral nervous system disorder or apparent mental disorders or
had the history of central nervous system disorders;
- 10. Patients with serious infection(above CTCAE grade 2);
- 11. Patient with history of another malignant cancer within past 5 years(not
including: cervical carcinoma in situ, non melanoma skin cancer and superficial
bladder tumor );
- 12. Have the history of organ transplantation, Or have received systemic steroid
therapy for a long time (note: short term user stopping medication >2 weeks can be
- 13. Pregnant or lactating women, women of child-bearing potential, unwilling to use
adequate contraceptive protection during the process of the study;
- 14. Patients without legal capacity,or medical/ethical reasons may influence the study
to continue.