Yinhu Qingwen Granula for the Treatment of Severe CoVID-19
Trial end date:
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In December 2019, Wuhan, in Hubei province, China, became the center of an outbreak of pneumonia caused by CoVID-19, and the number of cases of infection with CoVID-19 identified in Wuhan increased markedly over the later part of January 2020, with cases identified in multiple other Provinces of China and internationally.Given no specific antiviral therapy for CoVID-19 infection and the availability of Yinhu Qingwen Granula as a potential antiviral Chinese medicine based on vivo antiviral studies in CoVID-19, this adaptive, randomized,double-blind,controlled trial will evaluate the efficacy and safety of Yinhu Qingwen Granula in patients hospitalized with severe CoVID-19.Phase:
Phase 2/Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Zhong WangCollaborators:
Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Hospital
North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Hospital
Tanshan People's Hospital
The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University
Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:1. Age ≥18 years at time of signing Informed Consent Form;
2. Those who meet the diagnosis of severe new coronavirus pneumonia with laboratory
confirmed infection with CoVID-19;
3. Lung involvement confirmed with chest imaging;
4. Hospitalized with a Pa02/Fi02 ratio ≤300mgHg;
5. 40%> lymphocyte percentage ≥5%;
6. No difficulty swallowing oral medications.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Allergies, those who are known to be allergic to research drugs or drug excipients;
2. The patient weighs less than 40 kg;
3. Patients with diarrhea;
4. Shock;
5. Patients with respiratory failure at the time of enrollment who need invasive
mechanical ventilation;
6. The clinician judges that ICU admission is needed;
7. Patients who participated in other clinical trials within 1 month;
8. Known patients with impaired renal function (estimated creatinine clearance <60 mL /
min (male: Cr (ml / min) = (140-age) × body weight (kg) / 72 × blood creatinine
concentration (mg / dl); female: Cr (ml / min) = (140-age) × weight (kg) / 85 × blood
creatinine concentration (mg / dl));
9. During the screening or within 24 hours before screening, patients were found to have
any of the following laboratory parameter abnormalities (based on the local laboratory
reference range): ALT or AST level> 5 times the upper limit of normal range (ULN) or
ALT or AST level> 3 times ULN and total bilirubin levels> 2 times ULN;
10. Being pregnant or breastfeeding, or having a positive pregnancy test at the time of
pre-dose inspection, or planning to become pregnant within 3 months after study
11. Will be transferred to another hospital which is not the study site within 72 hours.