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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZClinical Trials for GADODIAMIDE
- Safety Evaluation of Linear and Macrocyclic Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents for Patients With Mild to Moderate Renal Insufficiency Undergoing Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Effect on Body Movement and Mental Skills in Patients Who Received Gadolinium-based Contrast Media for Magnetic Resonance Examination Multiple Times Within 5 Years
- Efficacy of Dotarem® (Gd-DOTA) Versus Gadovist® (Gd-DO3A-butrol) for Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
- Pancreatic Perfusion Using Secretin and MRI
- Post-marketing Safety Study in Patients With Moderate Renal Insufficiency Who Receive Omniscan for Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- A Safety and Efficacy Clinical Study to Evaluate the Narrowing of the Aorto-iliac Arteries While Using Gadodiamide
- A Safety & Efficacy Clinical Study to Evaluate the Narrowing of the Renal Arteries While Using Gadodiamide
Clinical trials list
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