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- Effect of Treatment of Pre-induction Hypertension on Hemodynamic Stability During Induction of General Anesthesia
- Comparing Tranexamic Acid Versus Ecbolics in Preventing Hemorrhage During and After Cesarean Section
- Epinephrine Infusion for Prophylaxis Against Maternal Hypotension After Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery
- Aggressive Hydration With Lactated Ringer's Solution Versus Plasma Solution for the Prevention of Post ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) Pancreatitis
- Normal Saline Versus Lactated Ringer's Solution for Acute Pancreatitis Resuscitation
- Aggressive Intravenous Hydration With Lactated Ringer's Solution for Prevention of Post-ESWL Pancreatitis
- Dexmedetomidine Infusion and Surgical Pleth Index In Pediatrics
- US-Guided Serratus Anterior Plane Block Versus Thoracic Epidural in Patients Undergoing Thoracotomy
- Awake Endotracheal Intubation With Glidescope Video Assisted Laryngoscope vs Fiberoptic Bronchoscope in Patients With Traumatic Cervical Injury; Randomized Controlled Trial
- Enteral Resuscitation Nepal
- Tranexamic Acid Usage in Bilateral Mastectomy to Reduce Post-surgical Drainage
- Comparison of Propofol and Sevoflurane Anesthesia on the Quality of Recovery After Ambulatory Surgery in Obese Patients
- Norepinephrine for Prevention of Intraoperative Hypotension in Infants Undergoing Kasai Portoenterostomy
- Comparison Between Bupivacaine With and Without Fentanyl in Reducing Pain During Cesarean Delivery Under Spinal Anaesthesia
- Safety and Efficacy of HSK3486 Compares to Propofol for Induction of General Anesthesia in Adults With Elective Surgery
- Efficacy and Safety of HSK3486 Compared to Propofol for Adults Undergoing Elective Surgery With General Anesthesia
- Dexamethasone Intravenous Versus Intrathecal in Spinal Anesthesia
- Bupivacaine Alone vs Bupivacaine and Dexmed in Cesarean Deliveries
- Different Bupivacaine Volumes in Infiltration Between Popliteal Artery and Capsule of Knee Block
- Prophylaxis of Post-ERCP Acute Pancreatitis
- Nitroglycerin Versus Labetalol in Acute Severe Pre-eclampsia
- Two Norepinephrine Rescue Bolus Doses for Management of Severe Post-spinal Hypotension During Elective Cesarean Delivery
- Comparative Study Between the Prophylactic Intravenous Administrations of Acetaminophen vs Dexamethasone vs Pethidine Regarding the Incidence of Shivering Induced by Single Shot Spinal Anesthesia in the Orthopedic Surgeries of the Lower Limbs
- Epinephrine Infusion for Prophylaxis Against Maternal Hypotension During Cesarean Delivery
- Norepinephrine to Prevent Hypotension in Ceasrean Delivery
- Modified Del Nido Versus Custodiol Cardioplegia For Myocardial Protection In Cardiac Surgery.
- Melatonin vs Pregabalin for Anxiolysis and Sedation
- Evaluation of Endoscopic Surgical Field Clarity Using Hot Saline Versus Lactated Ringer's Irrigation
- The Hemodynamic Effects of Different Volumes of Bupivacaine 0.25% Caudal Blocks in Pediatrics Undergoing Lower Abdominal Surgeries as Measured by Electrical Cardiometry
- Epinephrine Infusion for Prophylaxis Against Maternal Hypotension During Caesarean Section
- Quality of Recovery Under Low or Standard Pneumoperitoneum Pressure
- Effect of Human Plasma Protein Transfusion With and Without Crystalloids During Major Liver Resection Surgeries
- Enhanced Recovery Pathway for Endoscopy
- Pre-emptive Dexamethasone in Hip Arthroplasty
- Comparison Between Adjuvants Added to Bupivacaine in Adductor Canal Block
- Effects of BRS and LRS on Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury
- ATCellâ„¢ Expanded Autologous, Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Deployed Via Intravenous Infusion
- Enteral Resuscitation Nepal
- Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia in Obese Patients Undergoing Cesarean Surgery
- Safety and Efficacy of Sodium Bicarbonate Ringer Injection
- The Effects of IV vs Oral Dexamethasone on Postoperative Nausea, Vomiting, and Pain
- Effect of Intrathecal Naloxone in the Incidence of Pruritis After C.S
- Oral Pregabalin as Preemptive Analgesia in Abdominal Hysterectomy
- Bicarbonated Ringer's Solution Versus Lactated Ringer's Solution in Patients With Septic Shock
- Effects of Crystal Solution and Colloid Solution on Mother and Fetus
- Midodrine for Improving Hemodynamics After Spinal Anesthesia
- Aggressive Versus Non-aggressive Goal-directed Fluid Resuscitation in Acute Pancreatitis
- Efficacy of Ivabradine Versus Propranolol Premedication During Hypotensive Anesthesia in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate Solution Versus Blood Cardioplegia in CABG
- Adenosine Versus Verapamil for Management of Supraventricular Tachycardia Post- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Tranexamic Acid Versus Sublingual Misoprostol in Reducing Blood Loss During Elective CS in High Risk Cases
- Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis
- Comparison of Lactated Ringer's Solution and PlasmaLyte-A as a Base Solution for Del Nido Cardioplegia
- Crystalloid Fluid Choice and Neurological Outcome in Patients After Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
- Safety and Efficacy of Magnesium Sulphate as an Adjuvant to Levobupivacaine in Ultra-sound Guided Transversus Abdominis Plan Block in Pediatric Abdominal Cancer Surgery
- Anesthetics and Cerebral Oxygenation in LSG
- Perineural Versus IV Dexmedetomidine as Adjuvant to Quadratus Lamborum Block for Pediatrics Undergoing Pyeloplasty
- Preoperative Gabapentin Versus Bisoprolol for Hemodynamic Optimization During Sinus Surgery
- The Value of Tranxemic Acid to Reduce Intraoperative Blood Loss During Elective Cesarean Sections in High Risk Women
- RIB PAIN (Rib Fractures Treated With Parental Analgesia With Infused LidocaiNe)
- Randomized, Controlled Trial of Hyperosmotlar Saline for Rotator Cuff Repair Irrigation Solution
- Serial Amnioinfusions as Regenerative Therapy for Pulmonary Hypoplasia
- Intrauterine Misoprostol Versus Rectal Misoprostol in Reducing Blood Loss During Cesarean Section
- The Effect of Oral Pregabalin on Epidural-induced Shivering and Epidural Characteristics
- Local Antioxidant Therapy Vasoconstriction Effects in Different Races
- Prophylactic Mirtazapine or Dexamethasone for Post-spinal Anesthesia Shivering
- Trial of Aggressive Hydration Versus Rectal Indomethacin for Prevention of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- Norepinephrine Addition in Spinal Anesthesia of Caesarean Section
- Hyperosmolar Saline Irrigation Fluid in Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
- Effects of Intraoperative Normal Saline vs Lactated Ringer on Outcomes in Pediatric Liver Transplantation
- Tailored Hydration for the Prevention of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- Balanced Solutions and Plasma Electrolytes
- Comparison of Different Protocols of Fluid Therapy in Severe Preeclamptic Patients Under Spinal Anesthesia
- Efficacy of Dexmedetomidine Versus Clonidine to Control Delirium in Patients Undergoing CABG
- Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis: A Pilot Feasibility Study
- Hypertonic Saline for Fluid Resuscitation After Cardiac Surgery
- Intrapartum Glucose and Insulin Compared to Glucose Alone in Diabetic Women
- Tumescent Anesthesia Antibiotic Delivery (TAAD)
- Lactated Ringer's Solution to Prevent Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- Amantadine Sulphate Usage in Spine Deformities Corrective Surgeries Patients
- Saline vs. Lactated Ringers for Emergency Department IV Fluid Resuscitation
- Granisetron in Diabetic Parturients Decrease Spinal Induced Hypotension
- Impact of Intraoperative Fluid Management on Electrolyte and Acid-base Variables
- Does Intravenous Lactated Ringer Solution Raise Measured Serum Lactate?
- Intrathecal Dexmedetomidine Versus Fentanyl With Bupivacaine in Children Undergoing Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery
- Effect of High vs. Low MAP Levels on Clinical Outcomes in Elderly Patients During Noncardiothoracic Surgery
- Allogeneic Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Alzheimer's Disease
- Aggressive Fluid Hydration for the Prevention of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- Outcomes After the Implementation of a New Oxytocin Protocol
- Lactated Ringer's Versus 5% Human Albumin: Cardiac Surgical Patients
- Lactated Ringers With or Without Rectal Indomethacin to Prevent Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- Does Fluid Replacement From Preoperative NPO Status Improve Postoperative Recovery
- Tedizolid Tissue Penetration in Diabetic Patients With Wound Infections and Healthy Volunteers Via In Vivo Microdialysis
- Tissue Penetration of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam in Diabetic Patients With Lower Limb Infections
- Incision Pain and Uterine Contraction Pain After Cesarean Section
- Two Syringe Spinal Anesthesia Technique for Cesarean Section: A Simple Way to Achieve More Satisfactory Block and Less Hypotension
- The Effective Effect-Site Propofol Concentration for Induction and Intubation for Schnider Model in Parturients
- The Prevention of Pain Associated With Rocuronium Injection
- Dexmedetomidine for Sedation in Total Knee Replacements
- Intrathecal Ketamine, Dexmedetomidine and Both With Bupivacaine for Postoperative Abdominal Cancer Surgery Pain
- Fluid Responsiveness in the Postoperative Patient: a Prospective Study
- Evaluate the Nephrotoxicity by 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 in Old Patients During Orthopaedic Surgery
- A Prospective Trial of Aggressive Hydration Strategy to Reduce Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
- The Effect of Human Albumin on Coagulation Competence and Hemorrhage
- The Effect of Different End-tidal Carbon-dioxide Levels on Cerebral CO2 Vasoreactivity and the Stiffness of Systemic Arteries During Propofol Anesthesia
- The Effect of Induction Technique on Postoperative Pain and Agitation
- Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation of P6 to Prevent Postoperation Nausea and Vomiting
- The Mortality and Changes in Quality of Life of Patients Suffering From SAH With Different Hydration Strategies
- Dexmedetomidine in Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Remifentanil Without Muscle Relaxant for Thoracotomy
- Effect of Colloid Versus Crystalloid on Coagulation in Elective Urological Surgery
- Dexmedetomidine vs. Remifentanil for Pre-eclampsia During Caesarean Delivery
- Effects of Pregabalin on Post-cesarean Pain
- TAP Catheters Versus Intrathecal Morphine for Cesarean Section
- Ringer's Lactate Versus Normal Saline in Caesarean Section
- Evaluation of Melatonin's Effect on Pain and Blood Loss After Cesarean Section
- Combined Use of Oxytocin and Misoprostol Versus Oxytocin Infusion and Misoprostol Alone to Reduce Blood Loss at Cesarean Section
- Sublingual Misoprostol & Isoflurane During Caesarean Section
- Effects of Adrenergic Drugs on the Fluid Balance During Surgery
- Variable Rate Phenylephrine Infusion for Prevention of Spinal-induced Hypotension for Cesarean Delivery
- Lactated Ringer Versus Albumin in Early Sepsis Therapy
- Use of Dexmedetomidine for Deep Sedation in Patients Undergoing Outpatient Hysteroscopic Surgery
- Acid-base Balance in Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy
- Lactated Ringer's Solution in Neonates With Feeding Intolerance
- Effect of Goal-directed Crystalloid Versus Colloid Administration on Major Postoperative Morbidity
- Study of In-line Pressure Using Various Techniques of Subcutaneous Administration of Fluids Enabled by Human Recombinant Hyaluronidase (INFUSE-AT1A)
- Aminophylline and Cognitive Function After Sevoflurane Anaesthesia
- Dexmedetomidine for Cesarean Delivery
- Oxytocin to Decrease Blood Loss During Cesarean Section
- Study of Techniques of Subcutaneous Administration of Fluids Enabled by Human Recombinant Hyaluronidase
- BSSPlus Versus Lactated Ringer's for Phacoemulsification
- Cardiac Effects of Oxytocin Administrated During Cesarean Section, Signs of Myocardial Ischemia
- Study of Subcutaneous Hydration Enabled by Human Recombinant Hyaluronidase (Hylenex)
- Protection From Cisplatin Ototoxicity by Lactated Ringers
- Phenylephrine in Spinal Anesthesia in Preeclamptic Patients
- Fluid Infusion During Breast Surgery
- Effect of Intraoperative Aprotinin Administration on Post Cardiac Surgery Optic Nerve and Retinal Thickness.
- Dexmed/Buspirone Synergism on Shivering
- A Phase IIIB Dose Comparison Study of Subcutaneous Hydration With and Without Human Recombinant Hyaluronidase (HYLENEX) in Volunteer Subjects
- Hypertonic Saline Use in Preeclampsia
- Hypertonic Saline With Dextran for Treating Hypovolemic Shock and Severe Brain Injury
Clinical trials list
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